

Where do wild rabbits live? What do they do? Complete Guide in 2023

Every animal has a specific habitat. The pursuit of livelihood is shifting from one place to another and taking rest. Rabbit is also not a substitute. But we see many species of rabbits in the world, including wild rabbits.

where do wild rabbits live
where do wild rabbits live

Many people wonder how a wild rabbit lives. How long can they survive in a hostile environment?

In this blog post, we will try to show the life span of wild rabbits and how they live. Can they ever be adopted as pets?

We will also try to show whether wild rabbits carry any deadly diseases. And even if it is carried, how dangerous is it for the human body?

Let’s begin.

How long do wild rabbits normally live?

Wild rabbits live in a range of environments, including woods, meadows, grasslands, deserts, tundra, and swamps. Wild rabbits dig tunnels in the ground to create their homes.

Warrens are tunnel systems that feature nesting and sleeping areas.

Wild rabbits have a short life expectancy (typically less than two years), although they grow swiftly and have a short (30-day) gestation period. Their survival is determined by food availability, predator presence, and weather stability.

What do wild rabbits eat?

If alternative food sources are scarce, adult wild rabbits eat clover, grass, and other plants, as well as twigs and even bark. 

Rabbits may chew the bark of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs in the fall and winter and flower and vegetable plants in the spring and summer. Kits will nurse (drink their mother’s milk) for the first few weeks of life before transitioning to greens. 

If you’re lucky enough to catch a kit feeding (from a safe distance), they’ll kick their little legs with delight.

To receive the maximum quantity of nutrients, rabbits emit, eat, and re-digest their own droppings.

Do wild rabbits eat carrots?

So, if you’re wondering, “Do wild rabbits eat carrots?” this is the answer. “Yes, but it’s not their favorite,” is the answer. The same is true with other vegetables. 

where do wild rabbits live
where do wild rabbits live

Although we prefer to provide fresh vegetables for our pet bunnies, wild rabbits will consume whatever nutrient-dense food is available.

Can you take a wild rabbit home with you?

If I were to answer this question correctly, I would say no. They are uncontrolled wild animals. Please do not remove them from the jungle. To avoid predators, wild rabbits stay away from their nests for the majority of the day. 

Furthermore, they look for food in various locations. If your pet destroys the nest, recreate it and reintroduce the rabbits.

What is the average lifespan of a wild rabbit?

Death is unavoidable for all animals. All organisms must experience death. The question now is how long a rabbit can survive. The longevity of a rabbit is also regulated by its species. 

However, wild rabbits have a limited lifespan; perhaps no one dies in old age. According to research on eastern cottontails, approximately 25% of individuals survive two years, with an average lifespan of about 15 months.

However, their life duration is heavily influenced by external factors. A wild rabbit can naturally outlive other rabbits if it gets enough food from a healthy environment.

Where do wild rabbits sleep at night?

Where do wild rabbits sleep at night? Except for rabbits and cottontails, which live mostly above ground, wild rabbits sleep in burrows together. 

where do wild rabbits live
where do wild rabbits live

A warren is a network of tunnels that can be up to 10 feet deep and have various sleeping and nesting locations as well as multiple escape holes.

What do wild rabbits do during the day?

Crepuscular behavior may also be developed by rabbits in warmer places to keep them out of the hot sun. This allows rabbits to seek food during the day while still sleeping in their cool underground burrows during the hottest portions of the day.

Where do wild rabbits live in the winter?

Wintering habitats typically include extensive hedgerows and evergreen trees. They also provide safety from predation and shelter from cold. 

The best shelter for wild hares in this environment is hollow stumps. Something a hunter cannot do to see a rabbit. 

Some rabbits change colors to make them more difficult to notice in the winter, which is made all the more bleak and white by their surroundings.

Why do wild rabbits always sit in the same place?

Wild rabbits are not only adorable to watch in their natural environment, but they are also quite active and observant animals. Wild rabbits, due to their small size, can be an appealing target for larger predators.

This means that wild rabbits must constantly be attentive and on the lookout. Despite this, it may appear that wild rabbits are acting strangely.

One of these characteristics is that they will sit and stare for lengthy periods of time, apparently locked in place.

Rabbits will stay in one spot for an extended period of time for a variety of reasons. It goes without saying that they are always there for the victims. A wild rabbit’s diet consists of grass, weeds, and clover.

What diseases do wild rabbits carry?

Rabbits kept outside, caught from wild populations, or purchased from a pet store may be carriers of zoonotic illnesses. 

Zoonotic diseases connected with rabbits include pasteurellosis, ringworm, mycobacteriosis, cryptosporidiosis, and external parasites.

How many rabbits live together in the wild?

European rabbits are the most gregarious, occasionally forming warrens of up to 20 animals. Most rabbits are solitary and even territorial, only congregating in small groups to reproduce or forage.

Are wild rabbits a public health risk?

Rabbits can contract tularemia, which can be passed on to humans if they consume undercooked, infected meat or touch a sick animal. 

where do wild rabbits live
where do wild rabbits live

Although it is always better not to handle any wild animal if you must handle a wild rabbit, wear gloves and carefully wash your hands afterward.

What time do wild rabbits go to bed?

Wild rabbits often sleep throughout the day, become active in the late evening, sleep through the night, and then become active again in the early morning. These irregular naps will add up to around eight hours every 24-hour cycle.

What do wild rabbits do in the rain?

When it begins to rain, wild rabbits seek shelter under any cover. You can let your healthy rabbit play in the rain if he can get into a dry and draft-free shelter.

Can you get sick from touching a wild rabbit?

Symptoms of the disease might appear one to 21 days after touching a wild rabbit. Tularemia is highly contagious and affects humans more frequently than pets. Fever, chills, and hunger are all possible symptoms.

How do you befriend a wild rabbit?

When you try to persuade the rabbit that you are leaving a trail of excellent food, the rabbit will want to follow you. Arugula, dandelion leaves, and leafy greens like carrot slices are examples. This will make it trust you and eventually tame it.

How do you tell if a wild rabbit has a disease?

If there are signs of infection, they include decreased to no appetite, fever, lethargy, and collapse. There may be convulsions and coma, difficulty breathing, foaming at the mouth, or bloody nasal discharge.

Wild (rats, mice) and domestic (rats, mice, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs) rats and rabbits are both plagued by disease. 

They can spread a variety of infections, including hantavirus, leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV), tularemia, and salmonella.


Rabbit is one of the pets. If you go from house to house, you can see rabbits in almost every house. 

But there is no point in trying in vain to tame wild rabbits. Rather, if they are brought to their homes or pets, the diseases they carry can spread to the human body.

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